Support / Connect
This page contains the most important ways you can support the activities of the Cal Poly Symphony, get involved, and stay connected. Of course, the most direct way to get involved is to join the Symphony if you are a student musician, or attend a concert!
Support the Symphony
The Cal Poly Symphony requires funding in order to: purchase and rent music to play, hire professional soloists, provide sectional coaches, subsidize private lessons, pay the staff of the Performing Arts Center who help with our concerts, print posters, go on tours... the list is long.
We receive funding through the University's Instructionally Related Activity (IRA) system, from ticket sales, through student officer coordinated fundraising, and from donations. We need your help to continue to provide a rich and effective learning environment for our students through sectional coaching and private lessons, perform excellent repertoire, collaborate with professional soloists and guest artists, and embark on culturally enriching tours.
To make a donation to the Symphony, visit our Cal Poly Giving page.
Symphony on Social Media
You can connect to the Cal Poly Symphony via Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Like and follow the Symphony to see regular updates on our activities.
Facebook: @cpsymphony
Instagram: @calpolysymphony
New YouTube channel: Symphony – CalPolySLO
Historical YouTube channel: Cal Poly Symphony, SLO
Join the Music Department Mailing List
Join our mailing list and receive notices on Symphony and other music department events.